Friday, December 28

Silence of the night

You come to me in the silence of the night
Tip-toeing in the speaking silence of a dream
Boundless love reflected in soulful eyes
Shimmering like sunlight on a trickling stream

You come to me in the silence of the night

Crackling like fire in a silent wintry dream
Desires bottled up in your fervent breath
Rustling memories, making my heart scream

Image result for romantic couple under moon's beamYou come to me in the silence of the night
Ruffling me up in a silent bitter-sweet dream 
Soul brimming with love 'n thirsting eyes
Creating romantic illusions of a complex scheme 

You came to me in the silence of the night

Waking me up from the impassioned dream
Pulse for pulse, breath for ecstatic breath
Loving me under the late moon's silvery beam


  1. These are awesome words and thoughts.

  2. Choice and selection of words is too good to express the feelings

  3. Excellent .. :-)
