Saturday, March 21

..... ख्वाबों की तस्वीर - एक पहल! .....

A tiny speck of cells... a life, a hope, an initiative... an individual

नज़रों से हमने अपनी...
एक नाज़ुक सा ख्वाब सजाया था...
अपने ख्यालों सा ही ...
अपना एक छोटा सा अंश पाया था ...

"Motherhood" people say, makes a woman complete... it makes her more than complete... its starts a whole new life... with a whole new perspective... A tiny life... that changes the world for you... the way you perceive the world and the way the world looks at you...

My baby was born not on the day he came into the world but on the day he made himself 'at home' within me... every day he has grown as a part of me ... with me ... since that day in January 2001... The fear... the appehension... the pain... the curiosity... all seemed to vanish... when a screaming little bundle was placed in my arms... overtaken by love... and tenderness on October 16, 2001!

तुम्हारी निगाहों की इस चमक से ही है...
रोशन यह दुनिया हमारी...

Watching him grow...
.... whether it was on the radiologist's computer screen... feeling him swim within me or boxing around... or just getting him to respond with a "Good Morning, Baby"... never ever felt different from now...

... watching a live performance... feeling his embrace... watching TV... fighting with him or scolding him... just having a simple a conversation with him... waking him up every morning with a "Good Morning, Baby" still holds its charm... the only difference...

I can hug, squeeze and kiss him till he wakes up!!

It never ceases to amaze me that such a simple biological phenomenon could be such an enriching and fulfiling experience... despite the intricacies of nature and its hand in evolving some tiny cells into a thinking and independent individual...

Every time I see woman giving birth it never fails to take me back into time... when I first set my eyes on this tiny, "iglly piglly" squirming little cute baby banging on the glass walls of the incubator, rudely awakened and forced out of his comfortable, cozy abode with in me ...
ख्वाबों की तस्वीर ... एक पहल...

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