Wednesday, October 31


The past lives 
engraved in my memory
Simply can't forget
no matter how hard 
I try 

What's real is
only what's happening 
in this moment
Everything else 
even the second that goes 
is a frozen atonement

Crossroads of our lives
was where we met 'n bonded
We've had tears in our eyes
but yet we've smiled

Every moment spent with you 
comes flashing past 
The mere mention of your name
gives me tears to last

Absence couldn't stop me from 
sensing your dilemma through 
a sixth sense like connect
Pining for you 
has made me realise your 
true importance 'n worth 
in all respect

Wanting to call you
but not being able to do so
Promise that I once made
tying me back from making a go

Tried to reach out to you
many a times
Hoping you could sense my 
love 'n despair
at least at times

Zombie's look's
what I resemble now
'cos can't just stop it anyhow

Whatever's happened 
has taken its toll 
on all that's mine
It's left a gaping hole
once my heart used to smile...

...Once my heart used to smile!!

Sunday, October 28


The breeze at dawn has its secrets to tell
Chirping of birds predicts all's gonna be well
Looking at the rising Sun sipping a cup of tea
Wondering out loud how's the day gonna be

'M in a trance looking at the serenity abound
My heart's wanting to share it with you around
Sun's spreading an orange glow on the horizon
Lighting up my eyes with hopes' emblazon

As the day slowly goes past, 'n the die's been cast
'M gonna be free from the searing pain now at last
Breakin' threads that kept my shredded soul together
With a sigh I've stopped wondering altogether

Deciding to take the world now in my stride
'M moving away from all thats kept me astride
Letting go of life itself is what 'm trying to do
Don't wish to, yet I'll do what fate's wanted me to do 

Impossible to forget the beauty of the times we shared
Memories are mine, not even you can have them snared
Leaving my love's land tonight for the uncertain times to come
Reminiscing times that'd made me hopelessly succumb

Crossing the lonely desert path leading through a mirage

Will bless you always for love's eternal camouflage
Friendship, Love, Trust, Understanding, Passion, Fear 'n Pain
In large portions or in small pegs, but its all ended in my gain 

Thanks for climaxing my life 'n givin' me a determined lasting blow
Knowing 'm falling into an abyss but yet 'm letting myself go!!

Saturday, October 27


मैं और मेरी तन्हाई 
इस खामोश-सन्न रात में
हम-नशीं हैं 
पैमाना लिए हाथों में 
हलकी सर्द हवा का 
आगोश लेता है घेर हमें 
क़दमों के हैं फासले
उनकी ओर जाती राह में 
गुज़रे थे आज जब 
उनके आशियाँ के करीब से
यादों का सैलाब गुज़रा
झुकी पलकें तर हुई बूंदों से
गहरी सांस ले, दो पल रुक
निहार उस आशियाने को
यादों को समेट लाये
उनकी एक झलक को 
क़दम लौटा लाये 
तन्हाई में 
दर्द-आमेज़ आहें भरने को  

Thursday, October 25


Today's the bright morning of 25th October
'N here I am, pretending desperately to be sober
My mind is whirling with mixed emotions
As I go mechanically about my daily motions

Have no clue what life has in store for me
My heart's numb, soul's dead 'n mind's a buzzing bee
Trailing behind is a debris of human relationships
Result of creating happiness for others, sealing my lips

None seems to relate or understand my frame of mind
All they see's a smiling face not realising the pain behind
My heart's hurting, screaming in agony 'n despair
'n I've no clue how much of it remains yet to tear

Trying to keep afloat with hope 'n loving memories
Wishing you realise someone else's caused casualties
My heart's ripped, my soul's in shreds 'n Me, I'm no more
Wish you'd looked into my eyes then 'n seen my core

All this time wouldn't have been wasted 'n gone
Remains of us wastefully strewn across the lawn
Pawns in the game of time were what we were
Notice the good, mend the bad 'cos is only human to err

It's my last try to convince you of my innocence
It's on you to create a bond or destroy with vengeance
Just this once look into my eyes 'n understand the reason
None puts forth their love, repute 'n lives for treason

You've known me better than this to hang on to lies
Let's talk upfront 'n clear facts without any disguise
Requesting you to take this chance in the near future
Before 'm in shreds 'n there's nothing's left to suture

Sunday, October 21


दोस्ताना पल, आशिकाना पल, खुशियों के सौगातों के वो हसीन पल...
..........................................और तेरे न आने का गम...

रूमानी यादें, आतिशीन यादें, यादों की खुशनुमा बरसातें...
.........................................और तेरे न आने का गम...

पलकों की चिलमन से अश्कों का बयार, सुर्ख नैनों की गुहार...
.........................................और तेरे न आने का गम...

नम लबों की थरथराहट, गर्म साँसों की खामोश पुकार...
.........................................और तेरे न आने का गम...

तन्हा हम, तन्हा तुम, तन्हा ये दिल, तन्हाइयों भरा ये समां...
.........................................और तेरे न आने का गम...

आती जाती रुक रुक चलती सांसें, सिसकती दिल-खराश आहें...
.........................................और तेरे न आने का गम...

आमद-ओ-रफ्त की चाह, रूबरू होने की कशिश, हमारी दिली कोशिश...
.........................................और तेरे न आने का गम...

रहने दो

सरसराती इन सर्द हवाओ में, अब भी गर्माहट है इश्क के तुम्हारी 
कोहराई इस शब् में, अपने आगोश का पश्मीनाई एहसास तो साथ रहने दो... 

महकती हुए इस शबनमी समां में, फैली है खुशबू तुम्हारी,
शब्-ए-उल्फत की याद में, अपनी महकती हुई रूह तो साथ रहने दो... 

थरथराते मुस्कुराते ये नम लब, लेते हैं सिर्फ नाम तुम्हारा, 
तन्हाई और मेरे बीच, अपना बस एक ये साथ तो रहने दो... 
गम-ए-रुसवाई की इन शामों में, भी खूबसूरत है ये साथ तुम्हारा
शब्-ए-तन्हाई के इस आलम में, अक्स अपना साथ रहने दो...

थमती चलती इन साँसों में, एक नर्म नम एहसास है तुम्हारा, 
मय्यत-ए-मोहब्बत के ज़ेहन में, तुम्हें पाने की आरज़ूओं का साथ रहने दो...

Wednesday, October 17

The Day

The day I lost the Love  in your eyes
I lost the Sparkle  in mine too

The day I lost your loving Voice
I lost the Tinkle  in mine too

The day I lost the Smile  on your lips
I lost the Passion  on mine too 

The day I lost your caring Touch
I lost the Sensation   in mine too

The day I lost your loving Embrace
I lost the Pleasure  in mine too

The day I lost your beautiful Friendship
I lost the Conscience  in mine too

The day I lost your Walking  by my side
I lost the Spring  in mine too

The day I lost your Presence  around me
I lost the desire to Live  in mine too

The day I lost your Trust
I lost the Faith  in mine too

The day I lost your Happiness
I lost the Heart  'n Soul  in mine too

The day I lost You, O' my Love...
..................I simply lost Me  too!!

Monday, October 15

Love's Promise

Life's a journey into capricious times
Love's is the sound of tinkling wind chimes

Life's walking a path to oceanic happiness
Love's flowing together in the stream's caress

Life's fleeting to let it just simply blow away
Love's to be expressed with ado every way

Life's rarely gives anyone a second chance
Love's here once more so do take a stance

Life's waiting an inch inside your effort zone
Love's delving an inch outside your comfort zone

Life's syncing a dance to all of life's musical charms
Love's a passionate embrace in love's waiting arms

Life's a journey on sporadic crests 'n troughs
Love's an enduring promise in life's cynical laughs

If Life gave me a chance of a lifetime ever to hold you
It'll be with love's abandon that I'll cherish & nurture you... 

....That's my PROMISE "of my Love on my Life" ... FOREVER!!

One More Time

Life’s being enough an illusion
Stop being just love’s apparition
Come to me, just one more time…
Cross the path of love, just one more time…

Life’s a story being lived in a trance
O’my love, give me a second chance
Hold me in your heart, just one more time…
Walk the path of love, just one more time…

Life’s like a meandering stream
My heart’s wishing to enliven a dream
Think of me just one more time…
Flow with the love, just one more time…

Life’s being with you all along
Our hearts bound in love so strong
Bestow the loving smile, just one more time…
Share beautiful times of love, just one more time…

Life’s not about charming our way into hearts
It’s ‘bout bouncing the world’s venomous darts
Embrace ‘n Kiss me, just one more time…
Don’t fall just try being in love, just one more time…

…Try Loving Me, Just One More Time!!

Sunday, October 14


खिलखिलाते थे जो लब हर पल कभी                                Lips those laughed in abandon all the time
आज वो इनका मुस्कुराना भी भुला गए हैं                          Today, he's made them forgot even how to smile
खनक थी एक आवाज़ जिस में कभी                                 There was an unmistakable tinkle in the voice
आज वो उसे सन्न-खामोश कर गए हैं                               Today, he has forced it into a shocking silence
अठखेलियाँ करती थीं निगाहें जो कभी                              Eyes that danced with the magic of life
आज वो उन्हे शून्य ताकना सिखा गए हैं                            Today, he's taught them to stare into zeroing horizons
गुनगुनाते थे उनका नाम ले जो लब कभी                           Lips those lyricised 'n sang his name over 'n over again
आज वो उनको खुद का ही नाम लेना भुला गए हैं                 Today, he's taught them to forget uttering their own name
खुशीयों के आंसू जो बहा करते थे उन्हे देख कभी                  Tears of happiness that shed with his mere presence
आज वो उन्हे गम में ढुलकना भूल, मझधार में सुखा गए हैं    Today, he's taught them not to flow even in sadness, drying them midway
इस टूटे दिल को जोड़ सकते थे जो कभी                             The one who could have healed this broken heart
आज वो ही इसे बेदर्दी से चूर चूर कर गए हैं                        Today, he himself has shattered it O' so cruelly
बचा रखी थी आत्मा बेदर्द ज़माने से जो कभी                      The unrelenting spirit that I had saved from vagaries of the world
आज वो इसे भी बेरुखी से मसल गए हैं                               Today, he has crushed that soul with his unbearable harshness
तम्मनाओं आशाओं की डोर जो थामी थी हमनें कभी            The thread of hopes 'n dreams that I nurtured so long
आज तोड़ी है उन्होंने यूँ...                                               Today, he's snapped it so bad...
...न छोड़ दम तोड़ पा रहे हैं, न थाम जी ही पा रहे हैं!!                 ...neither am I able to let go 'n die, nor hold on 'n live!!

Thursday, October 11

Love's Dream

Love arrives from the crevices of forever dreams

Blessing me with your love song's magical themes
Your lips 'n the softness of your enticing caress
Weave a magical starry web I shyly confess

Love trails perfected sweet scents of a rosy blush

Flowing into our lives with a soft fragrant hush
Drifting past our bodies to the cores of our soul
Creating a mystical aura of lust's passionate stole

Love's dream comes softly in muted pastel swirls

Holding our burning hearts in healing's layered twirls
Leading us through a fire that ignites our loving hearts
Love's a dream lost in perfect arms of life's beautiful arts

Wednesday, October 10


Pose with 

      poise or 



                         Say Cheese!

                                 Smile, grin      
                                         or laugh gaily...




                                                                Frozen in Time!!


Monday, October 8


craving fantasy
dreams come true
a wrapped delicacy
the proverbial sin
unwrapping slowly
enticingly rhythmic
oh! heavenly smell
sweet desires
touching my lips
tongue savours
silky sensation
awesome feel
floating in a swirl
devouring passion
oh! the satiation
oooh! the oozing


Sensing his silent footsteps approaching,
My Heartbeats grew faster 'n eyes shied,
My heart n' soul felt a surging desire,
Arousing me with a beautiful tremble...

The touch of his hands,
Moulding each other's palms,
Awakening a craving in my soul,
His dancing fingers' rhythmic tremble...

The wave of desire rose in a rhythm,
When we met with the beats of love,
Moistening our anticipating lips,
Heated breaths of a fiery tremble...

Thinking back of moments as we merged,
Leaves hearts 'n minds expressionless,
Breathtaking was the sight of love,
Created by passion's romantic tremble...

Hearts suddenly felt light as a feather,
A tingle passed from head to toe,
Moistened eyes ignited with a fiery passion,
Our breaths' felt like a beating drums' tremble...

Was this love or just a passing feeling,
A moment, an era of in lusts abode, 
Revealing colours of a rainbow,
Satiating sensation of a moist tremble...

...Waves of desire in the sounds of a passionate tremble!!

NOTE: This is the english interpretation of a poem "सिहरन" ( I had written earlier... It is not a word-to-word or sentence-by-sentence transliteration. I have juggled words and sentences to enhance the meaning and convey the emotion... 


आतिशीन आहों का बना कर एक नगमा,                                               Composing a song with my fiery sighs,
सुनेंगे बारम्बार सर्द रातों में हम अगर,                                          If I hear it in the cold nights again 'n again,
निगाहों में होगी तुम्हारी ही सुलगती झलक,                           Eyes will behold a passionate reflection of you,
हौले से थमेगा नाम तुम्हारा ही थरथराते लबों पर...                   Tremblings lips will whisper only your name...

लहराती जुल्फों के अंदाज़-ए-बयान,                                     Gently flowing tresses have a unique expression,
करते हैं रह रह इशारे तुम्हारी यादों की ओर,                                   Gesturing forever to your memories' cove,
उलझी हुई इन लटों को बांधा है जिस तरह,                                     Way that I've tied my tousled knotted hair,
काश के बाँध पाती तुम्हें हमारे इश्क की डोर...                               Wish I could tie you in a bond of our love...

खामोश अश्कों की जुबां गर काश तुम समझते,               Wish you understood the language of my silent tears,
बहते हैं पल पल यादों का दामन भिगोने के लिए,                        Flowing incessantly to wet your memories few,
कंपकपाते हाथों से खुद न पौंछ पायेंगे इन्हें,                              Trembling hands of mine can't wipe them away,
बहते हैं ये हर बूँद में अक्स जो तुम्हारा लिए...                                For every drop carries a reflection of you...

Sunday, October 7


यादों को बना के हम आईना                                   Creating a mirror of memories
खुद में उनका अक्स देखेंगे                                        Will see your reflection in self

पलकों को बना कर चिलमन                                          From the veil of my lashes
झारोंकों से उनका दीदार करेंगे                                        Will catch a glimpse of you
अश्कों को ओ़क में भर                                                   Filling tears in my Palms
लकीरों में उनका निशाँ ढूँढेंगे                            Will search the lines for a sign of you

यादों को बना के हम आईना                                   Creating a mirror of memories
खुद में उनका अक्स देखेंगे                                        Will see your reflection in self

खुशबुओं को नफ्स में समेट                                 Enfolding the fragrance in my soul
हर सांस में उनको बसा लेंगे                               Will feel you in every breath I take
चंद पलों की हो गुज़ारिश-ए-इंतेज़ार             Even if you'd request me to wait a second
हम ता-जिंदगी उनका इंतेज़ार करेंगे                      I'll spend a lifetime waiting for you

यादों को बना के हम आईना                                   Creating a mirror of memories
खुद में उनका अक्स देखेंगे                                        Will see your reflection in self


Rains on arid earth,
Cooling the scorched path,
Incessant rain in my heart, 
Scorching 'n tearing me apart!!

Rains on cracked earth,
Filling the cracks on the lonely path,
Incessant rain from my bleeding heart,
Searing my soul 'n breaking me apart!!

Rains make a puddle on earth,
Merging mud 'n grass on the moist path,
Incessant rain oozes like tears from my heart,
Desolation 'n loveless life simply taking me apart!!