Living in the world of hope, trying to catch my dreams in time, I chanced upon a Dream Catcher that originated as a charm in a Native Indian American tribe. I simply loved the concept of the inverted Spider Woman within the web and the story it narrated!
O' Dream Catcher catch me a dream
As I walk alone in life's mystical stream
A circle framing a perfect web of Sinew string
Coloured wool or leather lining the outer ring
Bead of Colours of Nation woven therein
An eagle feather floating the dreams within
Ring's where Spider woman's weaving her web
Mother Earth's holding the truth, not letting it ebb
Spirit of mind, personality, mood 'n emotion
Seven beads in colour marking each direction
Representing the Father sky is the Blue Nation
Sun, Moon, Star Nation 'n all other Creation
Purple's a Nation representing our inner selves
An introspection of where the creator delves
Yellow Nation bathes us in the Eastern glow
A call for new beginnings, wisdom in all we sow
Honesty, hard work, family, love 'n integrity
Red Nation calls out for ancestors for eternity
Black guides a path ending in a fork's introduction
Two blind roads leading to healing or self destruction
White Nation respects all ancestors' powers
Spirit of Knowledge 'n wisdom that empowers
Green Nation's Mother Earth holding all together
Nurturing us, giving us food, clothing, 'n shelter
Its a world of dreams that's magical, mystical 'n free
Follow me through 'n lead me to the wishing tree
Sailing over the clouds, riding on the glowing moon
Wishing on the stars while winds make me swoon
Web catching the thoughts from faraway lands
Filtering them in time through earthen sands
Purifying the golden ones through scorching fire
Flowing into dreams as clear water for me to admire
The web's ring's complete with the Eagle's feather ado
That prods me go, grow 'n live beyond my own shadow
Hanging the Dream Catcher on my head while I sleep
Wishing my dream of meeting my love just takes a leap
Putting it on, pulling out a favorite 'n dreaming it again
Believing in it to complete, the dream to reality chain
O' Dream Catcher hold my bad dreams for the sun's early heat
Make them vanish, disappear until my love's complete
Keep my love's beautiful dream nestled safe in your web
For another night's dreaming that yearns to be fed
O' Dream Catcher realize my dream, make it come true
Give me a sign, a message, my dream will come through
Hold me 'n my love together till the morning glow is here
Nurture my dreams till he whispers "I Love You" into my ear
Hold me, Nurture me till he whispers "I Love You" into my ear!
................till he lovingly whispers "I Love You" into my ear!!
Happiness engulfs me with the beautiful dreams my mind streams
Hope the reality beheld in the Bead 'n String's better than my dreams!!