This poem is a compilation of beautiful love songs
that have been my favorites over the years. Just a different approach to
expressing love... Click on the blue links and enjoy the music!!
Years ago in the ravines of beauty
Sharing of love in its own beautiful way
We let destiny take us its own defined paths
Yet our hearts knew only time would say
Looking back on bygone times 'n moments
'n I realize what love means to you
Moving through life's chess board
'n I know for sure nothing compares to you
Years of togetherness have flown past
'n yet we have only just begun to sway
A cold winter evening opened new doors
'n you simply took my heart away
Love's been midst us all this while
'n yet today you love me like 'XO'
Cocooned blissfully in each other's love
'n setting our own Paradise glow
Walking along life's uncertain paths
'n sharing secret smiles, careless whispers
Your loving words 'n caring ways
'n a twinkle in my eyes, smile that lingers
Promising to love 'n cherish till end of time
Nothings gonna change my love today
Destiny may take us on meandering paths
And yet I'd love you more than yesterday
Wishing I could tread my own paths
Walking with you wherever you go
I'd remind you of every moment
Of the way I've always loved you
We take a walk down the memory lane
Reminiscing the groovy love we share
Hoping someday we'd be together forever
And I'll spend my Christmas with you here
When its time for our final goodbyes
We'd remember when we'd said "I do"
No matter when 'n where we delve
I will be right there waiting for you

Knowing you've loved me as I have
On Top of the world 'n yelling "Amour"
Years of loneliness 'n solitude's gone
'M glad its yesterday once more!!