Sunday, May 4


Always reigning the core my heart
Reminiscent of a dreamy romantic past
Never the one to leave my side
O' love its like eternally being your bride
Loving 'n caring, an incomparable soul apart
Defining virtues of an eagle's relentless part
Magnetic attraction of a dove's heart
Alluring my desires with a fluttering start
Speeding as a white streak in my world eons ago
Capturing my heart's desire 'n being my beau
Apparition of the ideal love in my mind's eye
Returning to me finally with destiny's sigh
Eagle's strength of character is what you hold
Naivete 'n sweetness of a snowy dove to behold 
Holding your ground like a bull overruling every misgiving
Amour, my love, my bestie...
Sharing our lives has made life certainly worth living

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Poem...Awesome is the word...! :D
