Dedicated to the "The Ghost" who lives with me in the day, haunts me at nights, comes in my dreams, his restlessness not letting me sleep...
Cold dark sultry night outside, 'n inside was a golden glow
Tinkling windchimes, dim lights, 'n there is just us in the flow
You're reclining on the bed, your open arms beckoning me
Lips curved in a sexy smile, 'n sultry eyes scanning me
Moving towards you slowly without blinking an eye
Leaving my hesitation behind, just feeling a trifle shy
I lean over to touch your face, feel you, 'n hug you tight
Moment I feel your touch, "POOF"... you vanish out of sight
Sensing your presence I look around, but find 'm all alone
You, "The Ghost" in the master bedroom, vanished, 'n Gone!!
Shifting base to the room with the purple tone
Thinking I am rid of the reflection of us alone
Sitting here, trying to gather my wits, 'n live in sanity
Times bygone, moments of togetherness, leading me to insanity
Memories real or virtual, engulf me, bringing tears to my eyes
You are in this room with me, caressing my face, giving me advise
I feel your touch in all ways I could, just can't touch you even once
'Cos the moment I begin to, "BOOM"... you vanish with a bounce
Sensing your presence I look around, but find 'm all alone
You, "The Ghost" in the kids room, vanished, 'n Gone!!
Curled up on the sofa, watching TV, trying to regain composure
Thinking peace of mind is finally mine, after all the exposure
Hey! There you are, lying amidst a pile of pillows, eyes lit bright
Grinning at me, inviting, enticing, prompting me for a pillow fight
Sitting, chatting, sharing, cool breeze, twinkling stars, in the balcony
Living my life looking at you, hands on my shoulders, yet feeling lonely
Wanting to rest my head on your shoulder, seeking your embrace
There I begin to relax, 'n "SWISH" you walk away without a backward glance
Sensing your presence I look around, but find 'm all alone
"The Ghost" in the living room, vanished, 'n Gone!!
Finally, I let go of all the rooms 'n move to the last room in red
Assuming your presence wouldn't touch me, it's here you wouldn't tread
Reclining on the pillows, discussing life 'n people unconcerned
Locked in the balcony, banging on the window, for the unduly concerned
Visions, reflections of you, engulf me, day or night, rain or sunshine
Trying to touch, hold, grasp, hug, kiss ' n cuddle, O' it was so divine
Moving towards you to enliven these moments of utter bliss
You step back, "CRASH" like a mirror, your reflection splitting into bits
Sensing your presence I look around, but find 'm all alone
"The Ghost" in the guest room, vanished, 'n Gone!!
You're not around anymore, physically, emotionally, now faraway, 'n gone
"The Ghost" still haunts me, incessantly from dawn to dusk, 'n dusk to dawn!!