Monday, August 20

Love's Windchime

Incessant rains pouring from the skies
Tears fill up now in my waiting eyes
Every raindrop reminds me of the night
When tears lit passionate love in our eyes bright...

Splashing in the water on the balcony
A wet, cozy night, O' it was so moony
Watching movies, talking about life
Pillow fights, killing with love's sweet knife...

Heavens have dried up and the rains pour no more
Mirroring my life where your love's shower is yet to pour
Flooding memories are all that I seem to try to gather
Fragments of images are what I'm able to store rather...

Overwhelmed by the feeling of loneliness, being lost in a crowd
Wish to open my eyes to sounds of you calling out my name aloud
You fill up my senses, connect to my soul, rule over my dreams
Feeling your pain in me but you don't seem to hear my screams...

Loving you every moment, inching towards a world of insanity
Wishing with every sunrise, every sunset, leaving behind all vanity
Someday wish we behold what we once shared, all that's lost in time
Hoping, praying, we soon hold each other under love's tinkling wind chime...

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