Thursday, May 31

A Memoir...

"A Memoir..." is a tribute to someone who could have survived with the nurturing and care being bestowed on him, but unfortunately lost his lonely battle with time...

He sauntered into my life like a sweet loving surprise
Quite remarkable were his caring ways, the simmering love in his eyes
Loving me, wiping my tears, not letting me utter a sigh
He never failed to raise my desires to an unbridled high
Being a Friend, Lover, Protector, Saviour was his goal
Sheer beauty of our bond was its crystal clear soul
Moments of fun, frolic, love and laughter we shared
Tied us together in memories we alone reared
Secrets, fantasies, memories, timeless moments and dreams
Some couldn't swallow the charisma of our ecstatic screams
Swimming freely in concert in cool unruffled waters
We still couldn't escape the wretched conniving plotters
Resorting to smother the breath of the connected heart
Creating a void, leaving barren life's O' so colourful art
Hiding him from evil eyes, venomous words, and prying folks
Striving to save him from untimely end with loving strokes
Alas! So strong were the clutches of impending death 
That the sweet tiny soul struggled with suffocating breath
Negligence, indifference, venom, filth and grime
Killed by the ruthlessness of love, life and time
Death by suffocation is not what I would verify
Murder O' so foul is what I would vehemently cry
Wrath of abhorrence was what he couldn't have survived
Lovingly Christened "MOTTU", Lonesome and Reviled... He DIED!!

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