Ethically, NO ONE!! Religiously, NO ONE!! Morally, NO ONE!!
Biologically, Yes, THE FATHER!!
But most certainly, NOT THE UNBORN!!
Mind has been in a whirl for as long as I remember over the issue of female foeticide and had expressed my desire to write my views on it to a friend a couple of months back in tandem with his thoughts on the issue… Sadly, it never saw the light of the day but here I am jotting down my thoughts and views on the issue… As they continue to flow in …
Aamir Khan’s सत्यमेव जयते or Truth Prevails, aired on prime time television created a much anticipated furor over the matter as Marketers would put it… But, did it actually reach the deep crevices of the Indian "Mind Space" where the basic view against the female species takes roots?? A zone where a female is considered a burden one way or other?? A level where she is seen only as an object of desire, not a living individual with a heart, mind and soul of her own??
Today, the media is abuzz over the issue… who are these people on the Social or Mass media?? Educated men and women, right?? I dare to ask most of them how they treat the woman in their lives – mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives, daughters? Haven’t they abused or ill-treated the women in their lives for one reason or other, expecting them to understand and accommodate and adjust for whatever perspectives they themselves see lives as, wanting them to conform to norms, shut out their own minds and stop thinking individualistically?? Have they ever voiced their opinion when they see anyone close to them being ill-treated or whipped around??
It’s really sad to know that in a country where women are worshiped in form of goddesses and the country itself being referred to as a Motherland such heinous crimes have been prevalent for centuries. Female foeticide has been a blazing issue for almost forever but why does it so happen that it takes a person like Aamir to rattle our brains about it??? And even after that how many are actually doing something to address the issue in the origin of its core…??
One has to realize that the skewed gender statistics in India today are not something that have emerged all of a sudden but are a gory result of generations of fixed thinking and basic intent towards females. Men alone can’t be held responsible for fuelling the desire for a male child, its onus lies equally if not more on women in the Indian society who have been brought up to think of themselves as burdens or hand changing objects ever since time immemorial.
Female Foeticide - the gory result of various desires ranging from the desire for a male heir to dowry expectations to responsibility of protecting her from prying male eyes at every juncture to ever rising marriage expenses as she grew up. We will save her in the womb now, but what when she is born?? What when she needs protection at every stage in life from prying male eyes ready to rape her at any age or time? What of the life after she gets married? Who will save her from the lesser known more complex form of Marital Rape? What’s thought provoking, is just not killing a female in the womb of her mother, but killing a female just when she takes her first breath, at every juncture of her life, physically, emotionally or mentally, treating her no less than an object, a property, or still worse... a doormat.
Thought provoking programs on mass media create a sizzle about women or doing something for their benefit, before, during and after birth, throughout their lives, looks good from the marketing perspective and to create a buzz amongst the educated class or people who see and understand the actual perspective of the issue…
How many of the people actually resorting to such forms of torture actually saw the program? If, they did, how many actually understood the implications of the same? Even if they could grasp 3% of what was mentioned therein, how many actually got down to implementing it in their own homes??
How do you deal with the masses who still relate to and emulate the “Saas-Bahu” serials being aired on Television?
What of masses where one woman is shared by more than two men in the family, just because they haven’t been able to find individual brides for themselves?
What of the masses for whom women are ones to have sex with, impregnate, force her to undergo abortions knowingly or unknowingly, kill the girl child post birth, force her into endless pregnancies in desire for a male child, blame her for anything and everything… ??
Who educates them on the greater perils of the skewed ratios which as of now are huge but will go on to take gigantic proportions if not dealt with down at the ground level?
Has anyone ever recorded the statistics of cases that go unreported per year for crimes of Wife beating, Mental torture, Rape, Marital Rape? In such cases what happens to the law that advocates that any woman residing under a man's shelter be it - Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife, or a live-in partner - be entitled to file a complain and a case against the man for mental or physical abuse?
Where does law and the judicial system vanish when she actually stands in court trying to defend herself for mental torture? Why is her statement not enough and she has to run from pillar to post to try and prove an intangible happening in her life? Aren't the men sitting there torturing her already tortured soul??
Sadly, are there enough laws governing the same? If there are any, who ensures that they are taking effect where and when required, because as far as I understand the Indian society, who brings such crime to notice – the mother of the unborn child or the just aborted foetus?? THINK!! The family inflicting or forcing such an act certainly wouldn't!!
People have taken laws into their hands to ill-treat and destroy the “Female” at every juncture, Now…
Who takes law into their hands to respect the soul of a woman?
Who takes law into their hands to bring justice to the Female?
Who takes actions to bring justice to the UNBORN??
Women in India are depicted by “The RED Dot” and needless to forget that the colour red stands for nothing but the colour of BLOOD… It’s the colour of VIBRANCY, LOVE, PASSION, POWER, STRUGGLE, FIGHT, VIOLENCE and DANGER, … never ever of SUBMISSION!!
Women have been taking in a lot of flak and torture for centuries without actually hitting it out. Just a reminder...
…Lest the society forgets or fails to realize … Being quiet is most certainly not a sign of submission or acceptance of what’s happening… I’d rather read it as the “Lull before the Storm” that lurks somewhere with the depths of her soul… Waiting to create a Whirl and Destroy!!
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