Intense longings mushroom in "Emptiness..."!!
These are times of intense longings
As I reflect on my life's worldly belongings
Trying desperately to locate mirrors to my soul
People, who've crushed me, some who've made me whole
Trying to understand where our roads crossed
Reliving sweet memories that are now embossed
Some cared, loved, stayed back 'cos I felt all alone
People, all who sauntered in, and some, who are now gone
Fleeting moments, lasting times, shielded from the Sun
Leaving footprints on my heart, somersaulting, and making it run
Sounds and smells of your being hitting all my senses
Like the gusts of wind from the wilds, breaking all fences
Dreams and thoughts are not left untouched either
Leaving no space for my soul to take a second's breather
Bombarding my mind with images of your ever loving presence
Making me crave, pining, O' so much, for your warm embrace
I know, and feel, you do not wish to hold me near
And it's you who doesn't want me to hold you dear
Raging within my charred soul are fires of discontent
Raising questions, reasons that are forever pertinent
Living in a trance, being a Zombie is what life is like now
Soulless eyes seeking you to enliven them somehow
Sometimes I feel life has stopped moving even an inch ahead
Each day passes by leaving everything, and nothing unsaid
Dunno till when I can piece myself and hold them together
The way I keep loving you, the way I did, I do now, forever
Beginning to lose hope, scattering in skies, ashes of my soul
Hoping still, hoping you'll soon beckon me, love and console
Breathing your thoughts, sighing for the love of You
Tending to a broken heart, I seek love, only from You
Wonder when it's gonna happen, now, soon or never
Keep wondering, smiling, living, somehow, however!!
Will you hold me Now, Soon or Never???
...Love You, O' My Love, Then, Now and Forever!!