"The Dream" is a vision I had a couple of days ago and was trying to decipher its meaning... It was clear and vivid even after I woke up and for days thereafter, till date ...

With a beautiful creek flowing below,
Green pastures of delicate grass, and
Pine trees lining the beautiful English meadow,
A pram suddenly came through my vision,
Lighting my soul with a tender glow,
Walking in front was a tall dark man,
Looking towards me with love aglow,
Pointing towards an illuminated globe,
A beautiful rainbow covering its lighted bow,
Yelling out to my love walking ahead,
Asking him to take a click for all we know,
It ended with me crooning a lullaby, and
Bathing a pretty baby girl with a golden glow,
So enthralling was the beauty of the dream, that
All I saw was curve of his lips, love in his eyes aglow,
Deciphering the dream was not in my power,
Vision of love that it was, it was too real to let go,
And O' so real and up close was the faceless man,
Tell me O' please tell me, was he someone I know ??!!
P.S.: Please feel free to decipher the dream and lemme know what you feel... I am certainly perplexed its intensity!!
now its u to materialize the dream... ha ha ha