I recently read a Blog Post that vehemently criticized the "Boycott of Republic Day" proposition made by some people/groups on social media networks as being overtly insensitive to the feelings of the Armed Forces. Personally, I do not support the demand for a simple reason that somewhere it will not serve a long term purpose, but thinking from their perspective, their view point emerges from the sheer frustration looking at the callousness displayed by the Government... and a thought that may be a mass protest across the Nation could have World's attention riveted to the issue not only in India but World over. This is what I perceived about the demand and wrote it as a response that post, but I guess since the view point was 100% contrary to what the author mentioned therein, the comment was disapproved. ...
I would like to begin by quoting...
1950 First Republic Day of India speech by Dr. Rajendra Prasad... "We must re-dedicate ourselves on this day to the peaceful but sure realization of the dream that had inspired the Father of the Nation and the other captains and soldiers of our freedom struggle, the dream of establishing a classless, co-operative, free and happy society in 'his country'. We must remember that this is more a day of dedications than of rejoicing - dedication to the glorious task of making the peasants and workers the toilers and the thinkers fully free, happy and cultured."
... and then I am driven to ask the question...
"Boycotting" is a representative gesture portraying insecurity towards an existing scenario. Republic Day celebrations bring together the entire Nation in unison with feelings of patriotism and recognition of the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces in adverse conditions. This event certainly salutes the Armed Forces, recognizes their efforts and applauds our Cultural Diversity... BUT... "Is whatever that's happening in our midst, "OUR CULTURE"? Is this what our valiant soldiers are laying their lives to protect??"
None of those, who are thus protesting, wish to dishonour the soldiers, but question we need to ask ourselves IS that aren't their sacrifices being negated when the very existence of our women is dishonoured? The writer of the blog was vehement that such "protesting" individuals did not realize the sacrifices made by these men who protect us from external enemies in adverse geographic conditions... But what about the "Internal Enemies"? Enemies of Humanity? Enemies posing as friends? The real tribute would be when every individual within the country, irrespective of gender, nationality, age, caste, socio-economic status, and other demographics, feels safe and is not threatened by the enemy within.
I believe whatever has happened in the last few days has pained our soldiers even more that us. No matter how patriotic, wouldn't they begin to question whom are they protecting - a country whose morals have gone to the dogs? A country where women are treated as objects of carnal desire to an extent that men are willing to destroy them for it? A country where the victim is asked questions, labelled, ostracized; while the guilty go unquestioned, scott free, they themselves badmouthing the victim?? A country where no one is safe from individuals languishing in their in their own egos, filthy ideas and ways to attain their personal objectives and gains?? A country which by the hour is being raped by its very own lawmakers??

If the masses of educated Indians boycott the flag hoisting, it would certainly make a statement... It would show the World that if worst comes to worse, people can take things into their hands to get justice. A Sovereign Republic means "For the People, By the People, Of the People" and it definitely is not a property of an Individual, the Government, a Ruling Party, the Party Chief, the Prime Minister or the President!
Did people, who so vehemently proposed not celebrating personal events/festivals for a year, refrain from having a celebration of their own on New Year's eve?? And if they did... what difference could they make to the sorry state of affairs in the country over the last three days atleast?? NOTHING!! ZILCH!! I believe looking within and introspecting at all levels, could make the author think from a broader, different and a more holistic perspective, since he has the experience and capability to address sentiments from a Armed Forces Perspective, as a Citizen and more so as a person who claims to respect women for what they are.
Just came across this article*... and as a woman could relate to the lines written therein...
Did people, who so vehemently proposed not celebrating personal events/festivals for a year, refrain from having a celebration of their own on New Year's eve?? And if they did... what difference could they make to the sorry state of affairs in the country over the last three days atleast?? NOTHING!! ZILCH!! I believe looking within and introspecting at all levels, could make the author think from a broader, different and a more holistic perspective, since he has the experience and capability to address sentiments from a Armed Forces Perspective, as a Citizen and more so as a person who claims to respect women for what they are.
Just came across this article*... and as a woman could relate to the lines written therein...
"To protect her privacy the victim’s name was not released publicly. But while she remains nameless, she did not remain faceless. To see her face, women had only to look in the mirror. The full measure of their vulnerability was finally understood."
The "Boycott Republic Day" demand is not about bringing justice to one individual but creating an awakening in the Society, Government and the system at large; its a demand for freedom and safety to the Citizens of India that not only respects, but helps enrich their existence and not destroy them for personal gains... Its a demand to bring about a change in the unruliness that's gripped the nation at all levels. It demands an answer to a persistent question "IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN????"
Achieving a society as envisioned, would be the ultimate salute to our brave soldiers and their families... One that they deserve for their undying spirit, valour, hardships, patriotism, sacrifice and love for the Nation!!
NOTE: I salute the Indian Armed Forces for not celebrating New Year's!! And, as for those who considered it as a slap on the face of people demanding the Boycott, should know that its a kick on the butt for those who thought Armed Forces craved for recognition at the Republic Day showcasing. It simply enhanced the Human demeanor of "Men of Steel"!! SALUTE!!
* http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/02/opinion/the-unspeakable-truth-about-rape-in-india.html?_r=1&
This is the Author's perspective, a different viewpoint to the issue and should not be taken personally by anyone!!
* http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/02/opinion/the-unspeakable-truth-about-rape-in-india.html?_r=1&
This is the Author's perspective, a different viewpoint to the issue and should not be taken personally by anyone!!
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